Family Time_Stringer

Family Members: Ryan & Alicia
Children: Evelynn (Age: 3)
How long have you attended FBC? 2 Years
Which service do you attend? 10:45
Married: 5 Years
Occupations: Ryan works as a full-time mechanic at Foster Ford. Alicia is a stay at home mom with a part-time job helping her mom with her sewing business. Evelynn is a full-time toddler.
Are you from Holton? If not, where are you from? Both Ryan and Alicia had parents in the military, so they moved around a bit growing up. Ryan was born in Little Rock, Arkansas. He has lived in Little Rock, Arkansas, Minot, North Dakota, and Topeka, Kansas. Alicia was born in Hays, Kansas. She has lived in Hays, Kansas, Wichita, Kansas, Hutchinson, Kansas, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, and Topeka, Kansas. Evelynn was born in Topeka, but when she left the hospital her home was in Holton.
What is your family’s favorite activity? We don’t have a specific favorite activity. Any time we all get to spend together is good. We make the most of whatever is set before us.
What is your family’s favorite season? Ryan’s favorite season is Fall. Alicia likes every season except Winter because of how dark and cold it is. But she loves the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. Evelynn loves being outside, so the warmer seasons are probably her favorite. She currently loves the flowers that are growing.
What is your family’s favorite tradition? We love going to get a Christmas tree from Christmas tree farms at Christmastime!
Updated June 2024