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Men, join us for a 6 week study!
Begins: Wednesday, January 15
More details and sign up here!
Ladies, join us for a book study!
Begins: Wednesday, February 5
More details and sign up here!
Ladies, join us for a book study!
Begins: Wednesday, January 15
More details and here!
Monday, January 27 @ 6:15
10:00 – 11:00 – Kids’ Church Room
Will meet the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays each month
Come and join the fun as we memorize Bible verses, short catechism responses and hymns! This lively class will be full of storytelling, actions, songs and repetition. Lessons are primarily focused for the 3 – 4 year age group, however, all ages are welcome. Please see Wendy Dorris with any questions.