Family Time_Schierling

Family Members: Kevin & Michelle
Children: Anna (Age: 16), Luke (Age: 14), Liz (Age: 9)

How long have you attended FBC? 5 years

Which service do you attend? 10:45

Married: 20 years

Occupations: Emergency physicans at Stormont-Vail

Are you from Holton? If not, where are you from? Kevin grew up in Chase County, Kansas in a tiny town named Elmdale. Michelle grew up in Wellington, Kansas.

What is your family’s favorite activity? We love watching sports together, especially football.
We enjoy snow skiing and traveling.

What is your family’s favorite season? Summer!!!

What is your family’s favorite tradition? We have lots of traditions with our extended family. Thanksgiving with Kevin’s side is one of our favorites and our summer lake trip with my side is another.

Updated November 2024