Family Time_German

Family Members: Randy & Nona
Grown Children: Carrie Holliday & Robert German
How long have you attended FBC? 15 years
Which service do you attend? 10:45
Married: 48 years
Occupations: Retired Dentist (Randy), Retired Registered Nurse (Nona)
Are you from Holton? If not, where are you from? Randy is from Paruna Oklahoma and Nona is from Ashland , Kansas
What is your family’s favorite activity? We love being together. We enjoy watching anything our grands are doing. We enjoy traveling.
What is your family’s favorite season? We love them all, but really enjoy Spring and Fall
What is your family’s favorite tradition? We open Christmas Jammie’s on Christmas Eve and have a birthday party for Jesus. This is after Christmas Eve service and a special meal. Then on Christmas , we read the story of Jesus’
Birth from the Bible before we open gifts!
Updated March 2024