Family Time_Black

Family Members: Brady & Brooke
Children: Kobe (Age: 19 – Freshman at Washburn University), Khloe (Age: 13 – 8th grade)
Kenzington (Kizzy, Age: 10 – 4th grade), Kennadi (Age: 6 – Kindergarten)
How long have you attended FBC? Brooke since birth, married couple since 2010
Which service do you attend? 10:45
Married: 18 years
Occupations: Brady – Investment advisor representative at Gradient Financial Group in Topeka. Brooke- part time pharmacist at Walmart, full time stay at home mom.
Are you from Holton? If not, where are you from? Brooke was born and raised in Holton. Brady was born in KC, MO and raised near Butler, Missouri. Although, we lived in Lawrence for 5 years when we first got married, we lived in Holton when all 4 kids were born.
What is your family’s favorite activity? We love to play card games, but also active games, such as Crossnet, KanJam, and pool volleyball together. Swimming, going to the lake, and traveling are also family favs!
What is your family’s favorite season? Since all our favorite activities are much more enjoyable outside when it’s warm 😉 we love the summer. Christmas season is also really special.
What is your family’s favorite tradition? At Christmastime, we do some sort of advent reading or activity each day. Then we always spend Christmas morning at home as a family, Christmas Day with Brian, Karol and Kalee, and the Black family after Christmas. After the Black family Christmas it is always a goal that everyone can walk the next day as the yearly family game can get a little intense. New Years Day we have Ole Bolen (fried donuts), a Dutch tradition, at Brian and Karol’s.
Updated January 2024