Family Time_Alley

Family Members: Ryan & Lindsay
Children: Abri (Age: 17 – Senior @ Holton), Adalie (Age: 15 – Sophomore @ Holton)
How long have you attended FBC? Since 2005 off and on. We became members in 2021.
Which service do you attend? 10:45
Married: 18 1/2 years
Occupations: Ryan is Fleet Manager for TayJay Transport. Lindsay is the owner and stylist of Head2Toe Salon & Spa. Abri is a receptionist at Benevolence Spa & Wellness and future massage therapy student and apprentice. Adalie is a barista at Penny’s Coffee Shop.
Are you from Holton? If not, where are you from? Ryan is from the Circleville area. Lindsay is from Holton. We now live outside of Circleville.
What is your family’s favorite activity? We love different things as season changes! Winter – we love the snow activities and love hibernating by the fire playing board games! Spring/Summer/Fall – all bring “glamping”, kayaking, boating, buggy rides in the creek, and lots of football in the fall! Abri barrel races all year long and Adalie is a competitive dancer all year long as well!
What is your family’s favorite season? We love embracing all the seasons! We would be bored if we didn’t have change!!! 🙂
What is your family’s favorite tradition? Every Sunday evening, since our oldest nephew was born, we go to my parents (Lindsay’s) and we have dinner together! We pray before dinner, eat Grandma’s amazing cooking, and sometimes play board games. Sometimes, it changes, we come, and we go, but one thing always remains the same, Sunday at Grandma and Grandpa’s is our favorite day of the week! We have even been known to FaceTime the ones in college! When we gather together it is always full of love and laughter!
Updated July 2024